Magnetically attract your soul-aligned forever love just by being YOU

You CAN Have It All!

You have a vision for your life, for YOU, showing up as your best, and living life to the fullest. When you connect to your vision, it makes your whole body tingle and you know deep within that this is the life you're meant for.

You see yourself with powerful habits for success in all areas of your life, emotional resiliency where you're able to keep your cool no matter what's going on around you, and effortless, radiant, whole-being health.

Your romantic relationship is supportive, loving, and oozing with sexual chemistry. You have deep, meaningful friendships with people who adore and appreciate you. You're fully connected to your kids, easily guiding them with a steady, calm, and loving but firm presence. Your finances are stable and effortlessly expanding. You're passionate about your career that's completely aligned with you and allows your natural talents to shine. You feel fulfilled, like you're making a huge difference in this world.

And yet it all feels so far out of reach, like an elusive dream.

No matter what you've tried, you get little to no results and the continual disappointment is crushingly disappointing. You find yourself telling yourself it's just not possible for you and you might as well give up so you don't have to keep reliving the disappointment. At least if you give up, you can stop with the seemingly mad behavior, like:

  • Enrolling in countless self-development courses, looking for that magic formula outside of yourself (and realizing again and again it doesn't work!)
  • Working with a million-and-one practitioners who do their magic but find yourself right back where you started a few weeks later
  • Working with a million-and-one practitioners but not having any tools to support you in the moment when life gets difficult in between appointments
  • Promising yourself, swearing, you'll stop detrimental behavior (poor food choices? yelling at your kids? nagging your husband?) but finding yourself right back doing the exact same thing - and then beating yourself up for it
  • Going gung-ho on a project or new idea but losing steam and talking yourself out of it when you have to move out of your comfort zone
  • Excitedly beginning a new practice and giving up after a few weeks when you don't see the results you hoped for or the sparkle of something "shiny and new" wears off
  • Manifesting amazing things into your life and quickly losing them again
  • Easily coaching friends and family on challenges they face but not being able to take your own advice
  • Talking and talking.. and talking.. about areas where you're stuck, getting to know why you do what you do, understanding what part of your childhood they stem from - unpacking them completely. Yet still continuing to do what you do, feeling completely powerless and unable to change your situation

But that light within you won't let you give up. It keeps you moving forward, picking yourself up after each disappointment, experimenting, dreaming, looking for that "thing" that will transform you and your life.

And are you ready for the "thing"?
The big secret?

There is no secret. There is no magic pill. There is nothing outside of you that will make this happen.

YOU are the magic.

Everything you need is inside of you.

All you need is the key to unlock it all.

And Now, The Key.

And Now (...Drum roll...), The Key.

A Six-Month Journey to Heal Your Emotions, Connect to Your Intuition, and Manifest Your Dreams

Get Your Mojo Back Academy™ is an extremely potent online container designed to teach you the powerful transformational tools needed to cultivate radiant health, develop emotional resiliency, raise your vibration, and intentionally create the life you want to live.
You'll go on a magnificent journey to becoming a master of your Universe, creating permanent change in all areas of your life, transmuting difficult relationships and circumstances into freedom and expansion, while collapsing years of growth into months, months into weeks, and weeks into days.

In this six-month program, you learn how to:

Powerfully and Permananently Let Go of Past Trauma

Rather than just learning tools for coping with the long-term effects of trauma, you'll learn a number of powerful tools that will help you process and permanently release the trauma you've been carrying around all these years. As you release each layer, you'll feel a sense of expansion and freedom as you begin to truly start living again. 

Shift Unwanted Reactive Behavior

Learn how to use detrimental reactive behaviors as a doorway to the subconscious mind. Learn how to access the subconscious mind and reprogram negative patterns and behaviors to new, expansive ones that are in alignment with the life you choose to live.

Release Painful Emotions

Develop strong emotional resiliency as you learn how to process difficult emotions as they arise. Not only do you experience inner peace in the moment but you become less reactive in the future.

Raise Your Vibration

Unprocessed, stuck emotions have a low vibrational frequency that feel heavy, contractive and dense in the body. As you process and release these heavier emotions, your vibration begins to rise, you become less susceptible to lower vibrational people and experiences, including illness, and you naturally feel lighter, brighter, and more expansive.

Intentionally Create A Life You Love To Live

Create your own detailed vision of what your perfect life looks like and then learn simple but powerful manifesting tools to bring your being into alignment with your vision. When your energy is aligned to your desires, you'll effortlessly attract the right people and experiences to make your dreams a reality.

A Six-Month Journey to Heal Your Emotions, Connect to Your Intuition, and Manifest Your Dreams

Get Your Mojo Back Academy™ is an extremely potent online container designed to teach you the powerful transformational tools needed to cultivate radiant health, develop emotional resiliency, raise your vibration, and intentionally create the life you want to live.
You'll go on a magnificent journey to becoming a master of your Universe, creating permanent change in all areas of your life, transmuting difficult relationships and circumstances into freedom and expansion, while collapsing years of growth into months, months into weeks, and weeks into days.

In this six-month program, you learn how to:

Powerfully and Permananently Let Go of Past Trauma

Rather than just learning tools for coping with the long-term effects of trauma, you'll learn a number of powerful tools that will help you process and permanently release the trauma you've been carrying around all these years. As you release each layer, you'll feel a sense of expansion and freedom as you begin to truly start living again. 

Shift Unwanted Reactive Behavior

Learn how to use detrimental reactive behaviors as a doorway to the subconscious mind. Learn how to access the subconscious mind and reprogram negative patterns and behaviors to new, expansive ones that are in alignment with the life you choose to live.

Release Painful Emotions

Develop strong emotional resiliency as you learn how to process difficult emotions as they arise. Not only do you experience inner peace in the moment but you become less reactive in the future.

Raise Your Vibration

Unprocessed, stuck emotions have a low vibrational frequency that feel heavy, contractive and dense in the body. As you process and release these heavier emotions, your vibration begins to rise, you become less susceptible to lower vibrational people and experiences, including illness, and you naturally feel lighter, brighter, and more expansive.

Intentionally Create A Life You Love To Live

Create your own detailed vision of what your perfect life looks like and then learn simple but powerful manifesting tools to bring your being into alignment with your vision. When your energy is aligned to your desires, you'll effortlessly attract the right people and experiences to make your dreams a reality.

Going through the Academy and working with Courtney has helped me immensely in my life. It has allowed me to be more present with what's going on in my world.

When I first met Courtney, I always had a lot of stuff going on in my head and I was completely overwhelmed by my life. Now, things have completely changed. I find I'm easily able to stay present most of the day. I now take time for myself and make self-care a priority. My marriage is healthier and I'm noticing I focus on the positive qualities of my husband rather than the things I'd like to change. My other relationships are much stronger. My mood is more stable and people are noticing! I'm able to roll with things more easily. And on top of that, new opportunities are falling into my lap.

My life is still my life, both my girls are on the autistic spectrum and they’re still my girls. They're who they are and that's not going to change overnight. But me being able to deal with all of it is so different, it's so much easier because of Courtney and all that I’ve learned, implemented, and released(!) through Get Your Mojo Back Academy.


What Makes


What Makes


Get Your Mojo Back Academy is a powerful energetic container for cultivating a level of inner peace, self-trust, focus, and resiliency you've never experienced before.

There are three potent pillars - the three C's - that make this program so transformative:

​The ​​​Get Your Mojo Back Academy Curriculum will take you deep inside yourself, teaching you how to communicate with and reprogram your subconscious mind, the storehouse of all reactive programs and detrimental behaviors.

As you learn and implement the powerful tools and systems that are the foundation of the Academy, you'll begin reprogramming your subconscious mind with aligned, expansive thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. You'll begin to uncover those Divine parts of you that make you shine, oh, so brilliantly - enter: your mojo - and begin feeling more like yourself than ever before.

This transformational, life-changing curriculum is composed of four separate modules, each building on the previous one. Each week's lesson is recorded with multiple bite-size videos so that you're able to fit them into the busiest schedule and begin applying what you're learning immediately. On top of that, you'll have lifetime access to the curriculum so you can check-in any time you feel you need a refresher.

The best part? Just practicing these simple-to-follow but incredibly potent tools will have you shifting your state of being and illuminating more and more of your Divine essence. As you master these systems and tools, you'll find you're easily taking charge of your health and energy, becoming a master of your emotions, and effortlessly tapping into the power of the Universe, the power within YOU, to consciously create a life you love to live.

Here's a breakdown of what you'll find in each module:

Your subconscious mind is where all your limiting beliefs, reactive behavior, and old, unprocessed trauma reside. Learning how to communicate with this aspect of yourself is the first step in taking control of your own experience.

  • Discover powerful tools for communicating with your subconscious mind
  • Explore the vibration and frequency of emotions
  • Transmute lower vibrational emotions into  expansive states of being
  • Process painful emotions and quiet the endless chatter of your mind through a powerful yet simple step-by-step tool

Now that you're comfortable speaking with your subconscious, we kick it up a notch and learn new processes for reprogramming old behaviors, difficult emotions, and resistance to change. 

  • Align your energy and connect to the loving, nurturing, support and of Mother Earth and the wisdom and guidance of Father Sky
  • Learn how to use charts to discover hidden stuck emotions, releasing them for good
  • Learn to combine powerful neuro-linguistic programming statements with focused visualization to develop a strong resiliency, heal your inner child, and confidently confront and move beyond your deepest fears

This module is focused on creating your vision for your ideal life and becoming crystal clear on all of the different components of it. Once you have the details, you will effortlessly reprogram your subconscious mind to come into alignment with it and allow your dreams to become a reality.

  • Create your overall vision for your perfectly-perfect-for-you life
  • Break down your vision into bite-size blueprints where you can focus in on the details and get very specific about what you're creating (even if you don't know yet!)
  • Learn how to create and record your own meditation, targeted specifically to what you've developed through your blueprints, and effortlessly bring your entire being into alignment with your overall vision
  • Shift your attractor field to powerfully draw everything you need to manifest your wildest dreams

In this final module, you put all you've learned together and develop a practice that is tailored to what you're processing in the moment so you're only ever using your most effective and efficient tools to create a state of inner peace and alignment.

  • Learn three different step-by-step systems to create a complete energetic alignment practice
  • Become a master of all your new tools and easily reach for them whenever you feel triggered or misaligned
  • Develop a powerful daily habit of processing your emotions to move beyond the state of "putting out fires" and sky-rocket into the realm of intentional creation
  • Integrate all your tools from other courses or personal development work that you've completed or will complete in the future for an even more potent toolbox

​Learning and implementing these tools and systems to get your mojo back is made so much easier with the highest level of support - and that’s what you’ll get through live coaching and energy attunements inside of Get Your Mojo Back Academy.

3X Coaching and Attunement Calls Every Month

30-Minutes of Laser Coaching

Bring any questions or challenges to these sessions and receive coaching on how to apply the tools you're learning to the different challenges you face in any and all areas of your life.

Getting this level of customized support is invaluable and will give you the breakthroughs and clarity you need to create the growth you desire much faster.

30-Minutes of Energy Attunement

Connect to any physical symptoms, challenges, and uncomfortable emotions and receive a group energy attunement to align your energy and release any blocked emotions that are ready to be let go.

In addition to feeling great and keeping you moving onward and upward, you'll see (and experience!) real-life applications of the very tools you're learning each week so you can learn how to mold them to any application.

If you can't make it live or you want to review a topic we covered in the mastermind call, replays are added within 24-hours of being recorded to the corresponding week's lessons and are included in the lifetime access.

Daily Coaching In Our Slack Group

Support continues on even after the coaching and attunement call ends. You can jump on our private Get Your Mojo Back Academy Slack group and ask your questions, share specific challenges, and celebrate your successes there. Not only will I be there to support you but you can expect your fellow Mojoers to support you, too!

You’ll never be alone on your journey to unshakeable inner peace, vibrancy, and inspiration - a life overflowing with mojo. In addition to myself, you’ll have access to our amazing tribe of women who are on the same path as you. You'll be able to share everything you're experiencing inside the Academy and out with women who fully understand what you're going through. We're here for the difficult times as well as the feel-good celebrations so you never need to feel lost, alone, or crazy!


For Everyone?


For Everyone?


There are no magic pills or magic fixes within this program.

The tools are incredibly powerful and, yes, you will most likely have profound experiences early on in the program but a serious commitment is required to fully integrate the principles, processes, and systems you'll learn in Get Your Mojo Back Academy into your life so that you truly do receive all the Academy has to offer and create a life overflowing with mojo.

To be successful, you need to have a good deal of self-accountability & self-drive to go beyond just digesting the online content and begin applying what you're learning anywhere and everywhere you can.

You will want to have a strong WHY for doing this work so that when things get a bit uncomfortable (remember, you're learning something new, changing your habits, and facing your fears), you'll be able to stay committed and apply what you've learned so you can quickly move through the discomfort and experience the incredible expansion on the other side.

If you are fully committed to getting your mojo back and implementing all there is to learn, your time in Get Your Mojo Back Academy may just be the most transformative six months of your entire life.

These next six months could be the single biggest shift in your life.

Igniting your inner healer for naturally vibrant, whole-being health.

Cultivating an easy resiliency regardless of what's going on around you.

Mastering moving through difficult emotions to find peace and growth on the other side.

Confidently facing any challenge and moving through it with grace and ease.

Showing up as your best self again and again.

Unlocking freedom, creativity, and purpose.

Stepping into the life of your dreams.

All massive changes in your health, in your life start with a single choice, ONE small step.

It's here.

 You only have control over three things in your life: The thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.

— Jack Canfield